With love and expertise, Mansfield City Schools prepares diverse leaders and builds positive relationships with students, staff, and educational allies.

Mansfield City Schools will be the premier learning destination of Richland County.

What College Professors Expect of Students


  • Regular class attendance
  • Being in class on time and staying the entire time
  • Using professionally appropriate language in class (no profanity)
  • Doing all assignments and readings even if they’re not for a grade
  • Ability to state what you read or hear in your own words
  • Ability to find additional information in the library or Internet when needed
  • Willingness to ask questions when you don’t understand something
  • Willingness to work with others in a group when required
  • Ability to know the difference between fact and fiction
  • Ability to see causes and effects, to see similarities and differences, and to draw conclusions
  • Ability to listen with an open mind to others without making snap judgments
  • Ability to use the vocabulary of the course textbook
  • Willingness to learn
  • Ability to read college-level textbooks
  • Ability to write on a college level
  • Willingness to get help with assignments when needed and know where to get it
  • Ask questions when you do not know
  • Know and utilize their office hours if you have questions or concerns
  • Taking notes in class and participating in meaningful class discussion
  • Turning in homework on time
  • Not eating in class
  • Completing assignments on time even if you’re absent
  • Turning OFF cell phones and do not send text messages
  • Asking questions about the format of tests (multiple choice, T/F, etc) amount of time to take, what it covers, etc.
  • Asking about grade status before midterms
  • Asking about your grade status before finals
  • Asking questions about assignments that your don’t understand
  • Leaving children at home
  • Taking responsibility for work in class
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