- Check class rank and grade point average.
- Attend local College Fair. The Richland County College Fair is usually held at The Ohio State University in September. Listen to the announcements for the date!
- Discuss procedure for applying to college with your counselor.
- Obtain at least two letters of recommendation from school personnel (teacher, counselor, principal, coach, etc.) and at least one letter of recommendation from someone outseid of school (pastor, employer, doctor, family friend). Recommendations go to your counselor.
- Start working on application essays. Develop basic essay responses that may be adapted for financial aid applications. Focus on goals and plans for the future and why you deserve a scholarship.
- Apply for college.
- Register now for ACT test in October. Be sure to have your scores sent to your top 4 college choices. Many colleges request that scores must come directly from ACT. Study for the ACT test. Resources are available online. ACT study guides are available in the Guidance Office.
- Meet with College Reps who visit our school.
- See attendance office for college visit procedures.
- Write down college application due dates.
- Decide who to ask for written recommendations.
- Begin checking the Guidance Office bulletin board for scholarship information and college visits to the high school. Scholarships are added as they come to the Guidance Office.
- Take ACT test.
- Review credits, class rank, and GPA with your counselor.
- Continue doing community service hours.
- Begin scholarship search – keep track of deadlines.
- Complete the FAFSA at to allow you to apply for financial aid. Each student must have a FSA ID and at least one parent/guardian must have a FSA ID as well.
- Register now for December ACT test.
- Complete essays and applications. Complete a Transcript Request form to have your transcript sent to each college you apply to.
- Pay attention to application deadlines
- Follow all deadlines for scholarship applications and information requested by the colleges and other agencies. Apply for as much financial aid as possible because EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS.
- Keep those grades up!
- Continue to check the Guidance Office bulletin board for scholarship information.
- Take ACT test.
- Be sure you are passing required courses needed to graduate.
- Meet with counselor about second semester courses.
- Give consideration to any financial aid offers made by the colleges, and carefully weigh all factors in making a sound decision about which college or training program you will attend.
- Avoid “senioritis.” Go to all of your classes, do your homework, and study for tests. Colleges can recind their offers for admittance or for scholarships if your grades drop.
- Update log of activities your are involved in.
- Update log of honors and awards you earn.
- Continue to accumulate community service hours.
- Send tuition and housing deposits. Most are due May 1!!
- Apply for necessary loans.
- Notify guidance department of college choice/request for final transcript.
- Sign and return financial aid papers to your college.
- Sign and return housing agreement.
- Congratulations! Enjoy your graduation and summer.
- Double check housing situation.
- Buy college necessities.
- Receive information from your college about housing, roommates, orientation, and course selection.
- Pack for college.