There are many things you must do to prepare for college. Find your “College Readiness Quotient” by answering YES or NO to the following:
I have researched the course requirements for entering the colleges in which I am interested?
Yes _____ No ______
I know how my grades and test scores compare at certain colleges. Yes _____ No ____
I know the kinds of curricula available at different colleges. Yes _____ No ______
I understand the many ways students can gain advanced standing and academic credit at college.
Yes _____ No _____
I have studied the comparative costs of the colleges in which I am interested. I have not yet excluded any due to cost.
Yes _____ No _____
My parents and I have discussed the financial aspects of attending college and have begun to investigate ways to pay for it.
Yes _____ No _____
I know that applying for admission does not automatically make me an applicant for financial aid.
Yes _____ No _____
I have visited the campuses of those colleges in which I am most interested. Yes _____ No _____
I have a calendar plan for taking the tests that are required for admission to colleges I am interested in.
Yes _____ No _____
I know that even if I don’t get accepted at any of the colleges I apply to, I’ll continue looking until I find a college that matches my interests, abilities, and goal. Yes _____ No _____
I have studied the future job prospects of the careers I may be interested in. Yes _____ No _____
9-11 You are ready!
6-8 You have some work to do.
5-7 You have a lot of work to do.
0-4 You had better get started!