- Student misses the application deadline.
- Student has not completed the courses in the college prep curriculum.
- Student is taking a very weak course schedule in senior year.
- Student takes ACT or SAT in the spring of senior year.
- Student’s overall grade point average/class rank is low.
- Student sends in application but does not have guidance counselor send the transcript.
- Student copies essay from the internet.
- Student’s parent fills out the application.
- Student is careless in filling out the application, presenting typos, grammatical errors and sloppy handwriting.
- Student writes essay on why they want to attend “X” university and sends it to “Y” college.
- Student writes essay that is very shallow, doesn’t show any thought or preparation.
- Activities list is full of acronyms that are unfamiliar to application readers.
- Student doesn’t ask teacher or counselor to review the application before submitting it.
- Student expects long list of activities to outweigh actual academic work.
- Student lists email address that is in bad taste or vulgar.
- Student has inappropriate pictures or text on their Facebook/Instagram/Twitter account.