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College Credit Plus

Mansfield Senior High School
124 N. Linden Road Mansfield, OH 44907
Phone: 419-525-6369 Ext. 1069

Director: Nikia Fletcher
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What is College Credit Plus (CCP)?

College Credit Plus allows eligible students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students' career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families. 


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Why should we consider CCP classes?

With CCP, students are able to:

  • Earn college credit free while you are still in high school at any college or university in the state of Ohio.

  • Take courses not currently offered at Mansfield Senior High School including special interest courses and/or courses toward a chosen degree field.

  • Experience college life while you are still living at home.

  • Improve their chances of acceptance at some colleges and universities.


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What’s the catch?


There is no catch but there are several things that students/families should consider including:


  • Responsibility - CCP means an increased responsibility for your learning. Students will be treated as college students and, if applicable, attend classes with other adult college students. Colleges are not required to modify course content based on the ages of the students (NEW - Ohio Revised Code 3365.12(A)). The student/family must allow for scheduling and transportation difficulties. The responsibility for transportation rests with the student.

  • Potential costs - If the student withdraws from a CCP course, or you are terminated due to grades, your parents, under specific circumstances, will be asked to reimburse the school district for your tuition. Students earning a C- or lower in a college course, you will be removed from the program, and may be required to reimburse the school district for your tuition.

  • Related to the High School - Failing or withdrawing from a course may affect graduation. The student may also have reduced time or opportunities for participating in high school extracurricular activities.

  • Related to the College - Each college has their own operating calendar and the student will be responsible for adhering to it. Acceptance into the program does not guarantee access to a particular course. Students and parents should refer to the college catalog to determine the transferability of a course to another college or university.

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Does my student qualify?


The student’s college of choice will determine eligibility and admit the student based on their college readiness in one or more subject areas. The high school will provide the student’s transcript and ACT/SAT scores to assist with the eligibility decision.  The student may also be asked to take an Accuplacer to determine eligibility.  Students can prepare for the Accuplacer here


In January of each year, Mansfield Senior High School will hold a CCP informational night. If you think you may be interested, you should schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor to discuss possible enrollment.


No later than April 1, the student must notify their counselor of their intent to participate in the program during the following school year. THIS IS ONLY AN INTENT NOT AN OBLIGATION TO PARTICIPATE. Students and families can change plans through the appropriate deadline assigned by the individual colleges/universities. 


CCP courses can be completed:


  • In the high school — Mansfield City Schools partners with colleges/universities to offer CCP classes within the high school building.

  • On a college campus — Eligible students, who have applied and been accepted, can take classes at any participating college in the state of Ohio.

  • Online — Eligible students, who have applied and been accepted, can take online classes from any participating college in the state of Ohio. Students can choose to take any combination of CCP coursework in Summer, Fall, or Spring from multiple colleges/universities in the same semester. 


CCP timeline is:


  • October-February — Meet with your counselor and attend an information session 

  • April 1 deadline — Submit your Intent Form to your school counselor

  • January-April 1 — Test, if needed, to determine eligibility and apply to the intended college

  • Varies based on college — Enroll in your CCP classes and attend college orientation


For more information on courses on our closest college partner campuses, click on the links below:

North Central State College

The Ohio State University

Ashland University


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How do we get started?


If you think you may want to participate in this program, you must file a notice of intent by April 1.  Submitting the notice of intent DOES NOT obligate you to participate.  However, if you do not file one, you will not have the opportunity to participate.  


_____ Discuss the CCP Program with your parents.


_____ Schedule a meeting with your high school guidance counselor and your parents to discuss your options.


_____ Meet with your parents and counselor - if possible - BY APRIL 15 to develop a plan and an alternate plan.


_____ Complete the Intent to Participate no later than April 1.


_____ Complete the participating institution’s application for admission.


_____ Follow the high school’s procedures for applying to college.


_____ Upon acceptance, meet with the college’s admissions staff for orientations and class selection (NOTE - This step usually happens in the summer). 


_____ Meet with your guidance counselor in August to make adjustments to your high school schedule once you know what college classes you are taking.

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How much does it cost?

Students will not incur any costs for classes taken in accordance with CCP guidelines for textbooks, tuition, or fees at any public college or university in the state of Ohio. PLEASE NOTE - Private colleges and universities that choose to participate in CCP may charge an additional fee to students and families directly for tuition.

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Is there additional information on the web about CCP?

The Ohio Department of Education hosted a Virtual Statewide Information Session on February 25, 2021, at 5 p.m. Use the following links to review the recording and supporting materials from this event.

Click here for full guidance on the COVID Crisis for Students/Families for College Credit Plus.



Specific requirements for courses needed will be established during the meeting with the high school counselor.  These requirements are in addition to the requirements listed in the Declaration of Intent.  You can find a copy of the requirements in the guidance office.  REMEMBER only the online intent form will be accepted as verification intent.


In general, the following applies specifically to coursework:


  • All college courses will carry a 2.0 (Academic) weight factor.

  • No high school graduation requirement will be waived in whole or in part for any student because of participation in this program.

  • Under no circumstances will special arrangements be allowed for leaving a high school class early or arriving late to accommodate the college schedule.

  • College credits earned during the Spring term of the senior year will only be counted toward ranking if the course is completed by the last day of senior exams on the Mansfield Senior High School calendar for that school year.

  • Courses and grades for postsecondary classes will be reflected in the student’s transcript. 

  • The college grade awarded for each course taken will be included in the student’s GPA and class rank based on the following formula (exclusive of the final grade):

College quarter hours
College semester hours
Carnegie units awarded
5 or more
3 or more
4/5 or 0.8
3/5 or 0.6
2/5 or 0.4
1/5 or 0.2
2/3 or 0.666
1/3 or 0.333


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