With love and expertise, Mansfield City Schools prepares diverse leaders and builds positive relationships with students, staff, and educational allies.

Mansfield City Schools will be the premier learning destination of Richland County.

Mansfield Pre-Kindergarten

Mansfield Pre-Kindergarten 

John Sherman Elementary
1138 Springmill Road
Mansfield, OH 44906
Principal: Dr. Amy Bradley
Pre-K Coordinator: Mrs. Jamie Spotts
Pre-K Secretary: Mrs. Kimberly Minard
Phone: 419-525-6337 Fax: 419-525-6340


 The Mansfield City Schools Pre-Kindergarten is now in the Sherman Elementary building, located at 1138 Springmill Road Mansfield, OH 44906.

The Mansfield City Schools Pre-Kindergarten provides quality preschool experiences to children from ages three to five years. Currently, there are six preschool classrooms that are staffed with teachers who at the minimum have a four year college degree with a specialty area in early childhood education. Each classroom also has a highly qualified assistant.


   Mansfield City Schools Pre-Kindergarten believes that a child centered curriculum is the core of an early childhood educational program. The Mansfield City Curriculum consists of both content and process and is based upon what is developmentally appropriate for young children. The early childhood curriculum meets the needs of the whole child - cognitive, social, emotional, and physical by being integrated, flexible and comprehensive. The curriculum is child focused and provides concrete and relevant experiences that challenge children to be active participants in their learning, creative thinkers and independent, confident people. The early childhood curriculum is aligned with The State of Ohio's Early Learning Content Standards and emphasizes:

  • the language, culture, interests and learning styles of children
  • multi-cultural education
  • partnerships with parents
  • learning as an interactive process
  • exploration, discovery and questioning as important elements in learning
  • trust, respect, and acceptance of each individual
  • varied experiences for aesthetic development
  • learning as a life-long process

   The Pre-Kindergarten Program holds class from Monday through Friday. There is both a morning and afternoon session each day. 


   In the Spring of 2022 the Board of Education voted to waive tuition fees for PreSchool. Children with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are not charged tuition. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychological services are provided to students according to their needs as identified in their individual IEP's.


   Upon entering the program, each child receives a developmental screening, including vision and hearing. If there are any concerns in any developmental area, the concerns are discussed with the child's family and a plan to address those needs is developed.


   If you would like to visit the Mansfield City Schools Pre-Kindergarten, please contact the Sherman Elementary School at 419-525-6337 or contact Pre-K Coordinator Mrs. Jamie Spotts at 419-525-6400 ext. 1441.

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