With love and expertise, Mansfield City Schools prepares diverse leaders and builds positive relationships with students, staff, and educational allies.

Mansfield City Schools will be the premier learning destination of Richland County.

Academic Services

Academic Services

Who We Are:

The State & Federal Programs staff aligned with the Ohio Department of Education provide assistance to Mansfield City Schools' Grant Administrators in programming, budgeting and reporting of Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plans to ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability.

What We Do:

We ensure fiscal responsibility, support and the coordination of all CCIP-Consolidated and Competitive Grants and PBA funds.  Grant strategies and Action Steps will be written to align with District Goals:  Improve academic Performance in Literacy, Improve Academic Performance in Mathematics, create and maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, develop and enhance school-family community partnerships.

How We Do It:

Our office provides monthly meetings with grant administrators to build capacity for understanding budgets by guiding, supporting and consulting with them to ensure and abide by the ODE CCIP timeline to attain fiscal and reporting guidelines.

What We Believe:

We will sustain a professional environment of effectiveness to promote and provide district-wide fiscal accountability.  Maintain compliance checks and balances to monitor appropriate use of State & Federal funds on a regular basis.

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