With love and expertise, Mansfield City Schools prepares diverse leaders and builds positive relationships with students, staff, and educational allies.

Mansfield City Schools will be the premier learning destination of Richland County.

IAT Information & Forms

IAT Information & Forms

IAT Process


To provide support for a teacher, parent, or other caregiver that has concerns about a student and wants assistance.

IAT Goals

  • To find ways of meeting the needs of students who have academic or behavioral challenges
  • To encourage staff members to share strategies that have worked for them and to provide opportunities to support each other
  • To find ways of addressing the needs of our ever growing "at risk" population
  • To provide documentation of past and current efforts to meet individual learner needs
  • To collect additional data to make future decisions
  • To continue to involve parents in the educational process
  • To recommend a multifactored evaluation after all reasonable interventions has been unsuccessful

IAT Formats

IAT Consultation:  A short-term problem solving opportunity for teachers.

IAT Student Support Planning:
A long-term problem solving, planning and follow up system for students needing continuing support


IAT Response to Intervention:

A specific, research-based program intervention targeting specific academic needs


(Team Reference)

  • Any staff member or caregiver can initiate the IAT process.
  • Team members will decide which IAT Forms are needed for each case.
  • New cases and follow-up will be scheduled as needed.
  • Referring teachers must be present at the respective IAT meeting in order for the student to be discussed.
  • Referring teachers must bring completed referral, background and rating forms to the first meeting. Consider copying work samples and information from existing IAT folder.
  • Parents will provide information through the Parent Questionnaire and the referring teacher will follow-up with the parent after the IAT meeting with a phone call.
  • A conference with the parents, staff members, or an IAT member(s) can be scheduled after the initial or follow-up meetings.
  • A packet containing all requested forms should be copied for the IAT Team the ____ days before the meeting.    
  • IAT meetings will be scheduled as follows: _____________________

IAT Team Member Responsibilities

  • Review referrals before the scheduled meeting
  • Be prepared to offer concrete, specific suggestions, if possible for concerns listed
  • Attend scheduled meetings

Thanks to Mr. Rizzo and other staff members for the development of these materials

Revised: March, 2009  
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