Malabar Intermediate HIGH FIVE MATRIX |
Expectations | Respectful | Responsible | Ready | Safe | Proud |
Entering the building in the morning | Quiet voices. Follow adult directions. | Go to the cafeteria or the gym. Wait for permission to leave. | Sit in assigned area. Take book bags/coats. | Keep hands, feet, objects to self. Follow directions. | Respect others. |
Cafeteria | Quiet voices. Follow adult directions. Respect others (no name calling or saving seats) | Eat your own food. Sit facing the table. Stay in place in line. Stay in your seat. Throw trash in cans. | Have ID/money ready. Find seat quickly. Raise hand to be dismissed. Line up with class. | Stay seated. Raise hand for help. Hands, feet, objects to self. Listen. | Use your manners. |
Hallways | Walk quietly. Value displays by only looking at them. | Respect others. Hands, feet, objects to self. Stop at designated places. | Face forward. Single file. Walk in the middle of the rectangle to the right side. | Walk. Stay in the middle of the rectangle in a straight line. (right side) | Quiet hallways. Everyone walks on the right side. |
Restrooms | Respect privacy. Report problems to an adult. Limit time. | Wash hands. Throw trash in cans. Report problems to an adult. | Limit talking. Take care of business quickly. | Hands, feet, and objects to self. Wash hands. | Clean and quiet restrooms. |
Walkways (outside) | Walk on sidewalks. Quiet voices. | Respect others. | Face forward. Single file. | Walk. Hands, feet, and objects to self. | Orderly entering and exiting of the building. |
Playground | Respect others –no name calling, threats. | Play by the rules of the game. Follow adult directions. Use equipment properly. | Wear appropriate shoes. Line up when called. Listen for adult directions. | Hands, feet, and objects to self. Follow adult directions. | Be a good sport. |
Assembly | Eyes on presenter. Quiet. Keep feet off of seating areas. Respect others. | Eyes on presenter. No negative comments or actions toward presenters. | Follow adult directions. Listen. | Stay in seats. Follow directions. Hands and feet to self. | Enjoy assemblies!! |
Dismissal | Listen for directions. Follow routines. Listen for announcements. | Know your plan for getting home. (bus numbers) Check for homework. Follow hallway and walkway expectations. | Maintain control of personal items. Respect others. Walk to the bus or parent pick-up areas. | Know your plan for getting home. Listen to announcements and directions. Go home and report in to an adult. | Be safe while going home! |
All Settings | Follow matrix directions in all areas. | Be an active listener. Follow directions. | Be prepared. | Hands, feet, and objects to self. | Give your best effort. Respect everyone. |