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Girl Scouts of Ohio's Heartland

The Mansfield Office of the Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland will host a “Spring into
Girl Scouts,” Spring Expo from 6-7 p.m., April 18, 2024, at Malabar Intermediate School, located
at 205 W. Cook Rd., Mansfield, OH, 44906.
This family focused event, held in the cafeteria, will feature several hands-on activities and
crafts that attendees will be able to create and take home with them.
Stations will include:
? Bird Feeders made with bird seeds and wow butter.
? Friendship Bracelets-Participants will be able to make bracelets for themselves or a
? Soft Archery-Participants will get a chance to assess their archery skills in a safe and
portable way.
? A Photo Booth with props ranging from quirky to imaginative!
? Paperclip Charms for books and journals.
? Music
? DYI Pencil Crafts -Students will get a chance to personalize their complimentary pencils
with fun, creative toppers.
In addition to the make and take activities, this Expo will also offer families an opportunity to
briefly explore what Girl Scouts has to offer. Plus, learn about camp and troop opportunities in
their area. As Juliette Gordon Low, once said, “Truly, ours is a circle of friendships, united by our
ideals.” Students and their families are encouraged to come out and briefly explore those ideals
as well as the mission of Girl Scouts, which is, to build girls of courage, confidence, and
character, who make the world a better place.
The event is free and open to the public!

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