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Stop the Bleeding training

Mansfield City Schools Career Tech students will graduate with key job skills & life skills that will equip them to go out into the world and make a difference. Many of these teens have already taken CPR and First Aid to empower them with the necessary training to assist an ill or injured person before EMS can arrive on scene. Now, they are taking training to the next level and learning how to become immediate responders in a situation where someone has a traumatic injury involving severe blood loss. They are learning to recognize what life-threatening bleeding is and then the skills to keep the blood inside the body (direct pressure, wound packing, and tourniquet application) giving that person the chance to survive until the ambulance arrives. 
“I have been very impressed by how engaged the students have been in the training. Many of them are learning in environments with machinery and sharp tools that could result in a severe injury. They realize the importance of being able to address the injury quickly.” Wendy Gunder, RN, BSN, Ohio Health Injury and Trauma Prevention.

Mrs. Johnson's Health Tech Students receive Training each year and this year they collaborated with the other Career Tech programs to assist alongside Wendy Gunder for Work-Based Learning hours. Seniors Laura Rush and Amber Lambert really stepped up in helping Wendy with her training sessions with the other programs. We are so proud of all of these students for taking this training seriously and love to see the collaboration between programs, students, and community partners!

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