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TV show focuses on report card, grant to benefit middle-schoolers
Rizzo TV full      The district’s gains on the 2019 state report card and a report about the second year of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant will be the topics on this week’s edition of WMFD’s “Inside Mansfield City Schools.”

      Superintendent Stan Jefferson will be joined by Stephen Rizzo, chief academic officer, and Dr. Holly Christie, director of student support programs. Rizzo will discuss the report card. Dr. Christie will outline provisions of the grant, which provides after-school academic activities for middle school students.

      The show will air on Spectrum cable channel 16 in Mansfield at 8 o’clock tonight, 4 p.m. on Saturday and 3 p.m. on Sunday.

      Later on Thursday the program will be accessible on WMFD’s web site by going to “video and audio” at the top of the page, then scrolling down to “Inside Mansfield City Schools.”