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Keelah Cross accepted to OSU MD Camp!

Keelah Cross has been accepted to MD camp this summer from June 10 - June 24, 2024 at The Ohio State University. This camp is geared towards students in high school interested in pursuing a career in healthcare.  Participants in the camp will have the opportunity to shadow clinicians and researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. By the end of MD Camp, students will have a greater grasp of what a career in medicine is like and how to go about becoming a successful physician. 

Keelah currently aspires to go to nursing school but also has interest in becoming a doctor of pediatrics or obstetrics. In order to be accepted into this camp Keelah had to complete an application and receive 2 letters of recommendation from her teachers. Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Kentosh, Keelah's Health Technologies and Anatomy instructor, respectively, were more than happy to do so. Keelah is an exceptional student who is eager to learn and demonstrates high integrity, work ethic, professionalism, and compassion for others.   After submitting the application, Keelah was one of the applicants selected for the interview process. The interview process consisted  of a  virtual interview with 1st year medical students. Keelah was then selected for the camp! We are extremely proud of Keelah and know she will do an outstanding job representing the Mansfield Senior High Tygers! Good luck Keelah!!!

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